Đạo Mẫu Việt Nam - Mother Goddess Religion of Viet Nam
Four Palaces - Tứ Phủ
Festivals of Đạo Mẫu – Four Palaces

Festivals of Đạo Mẫu – Four Palaces

The festivals held in honor of the deities within the official pantheon of the Four Palaces are highly revered and serve as profound occasions for believers to express their devotion. These sacred events allow individuals to reflect upon the virtues of the deities, seek blessings of peace and prosperity for their communities, and aspire for a harmonious and prosperous life for all. Devotees from far and wide embark on pilgrimages to the designated shrine where a festival is held. They pay homage to the deities, seeking their divine protection and blessings for themselves and their loved ones.

Festivals honoring the deities in Đạo Mẫu or other beliefs associated with the Four Palaces belief

Festivals honoring the deities in the Saint Trần belief


* The dates are in the lunisolar calendar (dd/mm).

1st month

06/01Feast day of the Second Mistress of Mountain
09/01Feast day of Father Emperor of Heaven, Jade Emperor
09/01Feast day of the First Mother Goddess of Heaven, Mother Goddess of Infinite Heavens
10/01Birthday Anniversary of Father Emperor of Water, Dragon King of the Eastern Ocean
10/01Ascension Anniversary of the First Venerable Mandarin of Heaven
10/01Feast day of the Eighth Prince Nùng Chí Cao
15/01First Full Moon Grand Festival
15/01Birthday Anniversary of Father Emperor of Mountain, Saint of Mount Tản Viên
17/01Feast day of Little Mistress of Tân An (Little Mistress of Mountain)Bảo Hà, Lào Cai area
The first Mão dateFeast day of the Fourth Mother Goddess of Mountain, Mother MountainĐông Cuông Shrine, Yên Bái (Mother Goddess of Đông Cuông)

2nd month

08/02Birthday Anniversary of the First Mother Goddess of Heaven, Mother Goddess of Infinite Heavens
08/02Birthday Anniversary of the Third Mistress of Water
14/02Birthday Anniversary of the Fifth Venerable Mandarin, Governor General (the Venerable Mandarin of the Tranh River)
17/02Feast day of the First Master
20/02Feast day of the Fourth Mother Goddess of Mountain, Mother Mountain
21/02Feast day of the Second Mother Goddess of Earth, Mother Goddess Liễu HạnhSòng Sơn Shrine, Thanh Hoá (Mother Goddess of Sòng Sơn)
28/02Ascension Anniversary of the Sixth PrinceShrine of the Sixth Prince, Cao Bằng (Sixth Prince of An Biên)

3rd month

03/03Ascension Anniversary of the Second Mother Goddess of Earth, Mother Goddess Liễu Hạnh
07/03Feast day of the Little Master of Ngang Hill
14/03Feast day of the Fourth Courtier, Imperial Commissioner of Earth Palace
15/03Ascension Anniversary of the Third Mother Goddess of Vân Hương, Courtier Quế Hoa
17/03Ascension Anniversary of the Eighth Courtier, Grand General Bát Nàn Đông Nhung
18/03Ascension Anniversary of the Second Mother Goddess of Vân Hương, Courtier Quỳnh Hoa

4th month

01/04Summer-Start Grand Festival
02/04Birthday Anniversary of the Second Mother Goddess of Vân Hương, Courtier Quỳnh Hoa
18/04Feast day of the Third Courtier, Imperial Commissioner of Water Palace
19/04Feast day of the Sixth PrinceThanh Hà at the Thanh Hà Shrine, Hà Nội (Sixth Prince of Thanh Hà)
24/04Feast day of the Fourth Venerable Mandarin of Earth, Imperial Commissioner

5th month

05/05Descension Anniversary of the First Mother Goddess of Heaven, Mother Goddess of Infinite Heavens
10/05Birthday Anniversary of the Sixth Courtier of Femininity
10/05Feast day of the Sixth Mistress of Mountain Villages
20/05Feast day of the Fifth Courtier of Lân Stream
20/05Feast day of the Fifth Mistress of Lân Stream
25/05Ascension Anniversary of the Fifth Venerable Mandarin, Governor General (the Venerable Mandarin of the Chanh River)

6th month

10/06Feast day of the Third Mother Goddess of Water, Mother Water
12/06Feast day of the Third Mistress of Water
15/06Birthday Anniversary of the Third Mother Goddess of Water, Mother Water
24/06Birthday Anniversary of the Third Venerable Mandarin of Water
24/06Feast day of the Little Mistress of Minh Lương (the Little Mistress of Mountain)Yên Sơn, Tuyên Quang area
26/06Feast day of the Third Prince of Water
26/06Feast day of the Eighth Mistress of Tea Hills

7th month

01/07Summer-End Grand Festival
06/07Feast day of the Fourth Mistress of Earth
07/07Birthday Anniversary of the Seventh Prince of Bảo Hà
14/07Feast day of the Second Prince of Bảo Hà
17/07Ascension Anniversary of the Seventh Prince of Bảo Hà
21/07Feast day of the Seventh Courtier of Kim Giao
21/07Feast day of the Seventh Mistress of Kim Giao

8th month

10/08Birthday Anniversary of the Sixth PrinceShrine of the Sixth Prince, Cao Bằng (Sixth Prince of An Biên)
14/08Birthday Anniversary of Courtier Quế Hoa, the Third Mother Goddess of Vân Hương
15/08Birthday Anniversary of the Second Mother Goddess of Earth, Mother Goddess Liễu Hạnh
15/08Birthday Anniversary of the Eighth Courtier, Grand General Bát Nàn Đông Nhung
22/08Birthday Anniversary of the First Venerable Mandarin of Heaven Đồng Bằng Shrine, Thái Bình
25/08Ascension Anniversary of the Father Emperor of Water, Dragon King of the Eastern Sea

9th month

02/09Feast day of the Little Mistress of Ngang Stream (the Little Mistress of Mountain)Hữu Lũng, Lạng Sơn are
09/09Birthday Anniversary of Father Emperor of Earth Palace, Great Emperor of Phong Đô
09/09Feast day of the First Mother Goddess of Heaven, Mother Goddess of Infinite Heavens
09/09Feast day of the Ninth Courtier of Nine Wells
09/09Feast day of the Ninth Mistress of Nine Wells
19/09Feast day of the Ninth Mistress of Nine WellsMount Sòng Shrine, Thanh Hoá (Ninth Mistress of Mount Sòng)
20/09Feast day of the Council of Bắc LệShrine of the Bắc Lệ Council, Lạng Sơn
20/09Feast day of the Fifth Courtier of the Lân StreamShrine of the Bắc Lệ Council, Lạng Sơn
20/09Feast day of the Sixth Courtier of FemininityShrine of the Bắc Lệ Council, Lạng Sơn
20/09Feast day of the Tenth Courtier of Mỏ BaShrine of the Bắc Lệ Council, Lạng Sơn
20/09Feast day of the Little Courtier of Bắc LệShrine of the Bắc Lệ Council, Lạng Sơn
20/09Feast day of the Fifth Mistress of the Lân StreamShrine of the Bắc Lệ Council, Lạng Sơn
20/09Feast day of the Sixth Mistress of Mountain VillagesShrine of the Bắc Lệ Council, Lạng Sơn

10th month

10/10Feast day of the Tenth Prince of Nghệ An

11th month

02/11Feast day of the Second Venerable Mandarin of Mountain, Supreme Commander
02/11Feast day of the Second Courtier, Imperial Commissioner of Mountain Palace
06/11Birthday Anniversary of Father Emperor of Mountain, Saint of Mount Tản Viên
10/11Feast day of the Tenth Courtier of Đồng Mỏ
10/11Feast day of the Tenth Mistress of Đồng Mỏ
11/11Birthday Anniversary of the Second Venerable Mandarin of Mountain, Supreme Commander

12th month

Before 23/12Year-End Grand Festival

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